Memoir of a Wolven Knight by Matthewparker69

A world at war and the story that leads you to peace.

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Review by Golden PenGirl
18 Jul 2018
Not cool at all

Review by Hoster102
13 Jun 2017
The story line was good enough to make up for any small spelling errors or any complaints I had. The choices had hardly any effect and only once would they make the ending change into one of three (one choice for each ending).

Review by Madcap
26 May 2017
It was a good story. Not a game, but a story. I liked it none the less though.

Review by Ikksan
17 Feb 2017
Three words. Loved it bro.

Review by Joe_g7
26 Dec 2016
I'm a huge fan of text-based games and I've played dozens of them, I can tell that this one isn't anything special, the story is extremely fast paced with many inconsistencies, many times the choices you make result in very small text, and other times you can't even choose. I didn't play all of it, but it was a pretty average to poor game.

If you are a newcomer to this genre (or whatever you wanna call text-based games) then this could be something good to start with. I would not recommend it to experienced players though.

Review by SamDragon5
20 Dec 2016
This game was filled with action and some major events with it being really well written. The only thing that kinda bugged me was that you couldn't make more choices; what i mean is when there is only one choice in some there should be another or choices that could make udder conflict or leads you to becoming the king.

Review by Mieleta
09 Oct 2016
Deep storyline. Great ending. All the choices are well written and well thought

Review by flysquirrel775
19 Jun 2016
Nice game man, the story is deep and amazing although there are some grammar errors. I'm surprised why not everyone gave this game a 5 out of 5 stars.

Review by Chris Blankman
18 Jun 2016
Is it just me or did you totally rip off the Bloody Roar 3 logo?

Review by T.Jeffels
18 Jun 2016
This was such a good story. I couldn't stop reading it and playing it. It was so thrilling and the amount of choices amazed me. I couldn't have asked for a better story.

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