The apocalypse: Episode 1 by MTaylor

Earth has fallen, the world you knew is broken and full of scars, you follow the storyline of John Coldwell, the man who helped create this new world.

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Review by Azure27
10 May 2020
One of the games that I've actually like

Review by Tomtomtom145
01 Oct 2017
Not bad but it can be better


Review by AM13
09 Aug 2017
Hard to understand some things due to grammar and spelling errors, however good storyline. Could have added more choices that the reader could interact with in the story.

Review by GameofChocolate
13 May 2017
This game could be more fun if:
1. It had better grammar and spelling.
2. It had a wider range of choices effecting outcome.
3. I could have a choice to not do stupid things like talk out loud when I'm trying to be stealthy. That situation with the soldier could so have been avoided if the person I was playing had just kept his thoughts inward.

Also the chick drops her gun. Really? Someone who's been part of the hunting squad for a long time would not have casually dropped her gun.

Review by SusieT
30 Oct 2016
Great storyline although I keep dying keep them coming!!

Review by MikeMan
05 May 2016
A good adventure set in the old war stories universe recaptured the dark and broken Earth feeling but in text. There were few errors some English errors and sometimes the atmosphere seems forced but nothing is without a few errors. This feels like a worthy reboot to the old game its not perfect nor near the sense in anyway but its on its way if you give it some updates.

Good job on recapturing the old game and putting it in text, quite hard feat.

Review by ChazCliffhanger
04 May 2016
Bad English and the story was erratic.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 28 Apr 2016
Updated 24 May 2017





