Sandbox Samurai by David Revelle

You are a 9-year-old boy named Michael, and you love anime. You have an incredibly active imagination, and so you set off on a little quest to gather three makeshift weapons so that you can have some fun in your sandbox.

I'd say PG-13 due to a very small amount of coarse language.

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Review by DePaw
04 Jan 2008
Enjoyable, and clever how to make the weapons. I wouldn't let a 13 year old play it though, because of the 'f' word being in it. No spelling mistakes I can see, though I'd have 'scrapbook' hyphenated and I'm sure 'throwingstar' is two words, other than that good game.

Overall: 3/5. Tips: The 'f' word is not for 13 year olds, don't insult people for speaking to things.

Review by Michael the gamer
19 Dec 2007
Like in the other post I made from the forums link:

Very Nice game for a Newbie to make

P.S. Where did you get the name Michael from? me?

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David Revelle

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Written for Quest 4.0
Added 16 Dec 2007

