Warrior Cats: Part 5 by Warriorcats908

Welcome back to the world of Warrior Cats! You just had a strange and terrifying dream that included Jaypaw and Brightpaw. You just saw them being taken away from you as you were dragged back. You have a feeling that was the last you'd ever see of them though you hope that that dream wouldn't come true. Is there a chance you could prevent it from happening?

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Review by LunaRay717<3
26 Jan 2024
I read the first part and was totally hooked on this series!!!

Review by Fallen'Star
02 Nov 2023
As soon I had finished the first part I just got hook! I would be grateful if there was another series like this but either way this has become my favorite Text Rp by far!! :>

Review by DawnStar4
15 Oct 2022
Awesome!! This is amazing!! Each one so far has kept my fur standing on end!! I'm sure part six and all the other ones to come will too!

Review by Poisonfang
23 Mar 2022
You did a wonderful job on making this one and all of the others. Can't wait for part 6!! :D

Review by Gimmeurtoes
22 Feb 2022
I know I could never do a game as good as that! It really left my fur standing on end! It is amazing so far and keep up the good work! Can't want for part 6! :3

Review by WarriorCatz
23 Jul 2021
Its good! The story has a lot of dudpense, also I think adding the next part would be great, even though these take a whle. I would say, that some part can get long, and it mainly focuses on dawn'paw in every part for this series, and often Dawn'paw is put instead of Fire'paw, so theres a bit of a mix between the two cats. Other then that Excellent!

Review by goodbunny2
29 May 2021
Uh.... well... good.

It could be better... but i can see the effort you put in. Well done.

Check out mine while you're at it, if you want.



Review by mistypaw
22 Oct 2020
I don't know what to say it great!

17 Oct 2020
It's a really good series. I like how you try add lots of excitement, and suspense on what will happen next-the only thing I'd say you to fix on is to make the story a little less confusing, such as artistTreble said. :)

Review by artistTreble
09 Sep 2020
I literally came back to this site after so long and basically played all of your games in one sitting. At 4AM.

I'm a fan of what you have going here! Unique, but sprinkled with all sorts of familiar bits from the series. It's a perfect balance.

My only advice is to maybe cut down the length of some of your sentences. I'm no grammar nazi, but sometimes I get lost in all the action you put into just one sentence. Do you plan on making the different choices a bit more unique in the story, or is the main goal the only thing to keep in mind? Merely curious!

Thank you once again for making such an enjoyable little series!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Oct 2020





