Kitten Adventures by EternalShadow

You start as a plain black kitten ( 5 moons old ) who has been in a lab for days that has been starving and cramped up in a cage. But it's not just those things that have been a problem, at night you hear other cats screech in terror, and at day more and more cats disappear.
You must figure out a way to escape, or you may be next.
- Bonus Quest -
Find out why the cats are disappearing unexpectedly.


Btw This is my first game, so I may not be that good but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Also after I finish this game, I might do the second one, depending on whether much people like it or not.
There's a serious problem with my game and I really need help about it. I can't edit my game, it keeps saying ' Invalid ID '
yet I can play it, so don't blame me if you want it finished, because so far I can't finish it.
--- EternalShadow

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13 Sep 2019
OK, but NEEDS to be finished. Please finish! It's a good game, though.

Review by DarkLizerd
02 Feb 2017
Interesting point of view...
Yea, dead ends, but you did say it was not finished....
Do you have a link to what you have working, I would love to finish this....

3 for now, 5 for a finished version...

Review by TwistyTom
30 Jul 2016
I couldn't push past the third choice. Very poor writing with run on sentences and boring descriptions.

Review by pheobe
24 Feb 2016
Great job Eternal! The descriptive writing is very realistic, like you actually the main character, in a world full of mystery for you to solve.
BUT - there are some missing choices, e.g. there is no east hall! Yes I know you're game is a WIP, but at least add that, please!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 23 Feb 2016





