Neighbours From Hell by David Whyld

Everyone has bad neighbours. It's just one of those things. But surely no one in the whole wide world has neighbours as bad as yours. For you live next door to the Crumms. But are they really the sadistic murderers you suspect them of being? Or is the truth something different?

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Review by Marzipan
02 Jan 2015
I played the ADRIFT version of this years ago. One of the first ADRIFT games I ever played, actually. It's funny in kind of a morbid way, and the plot is a simple one that involves you searching your neighbors' house for evidence of a crime...and there is a LOT of evidence, but you can't go to the police until you find it all. Attention to detail is a definite requirement to beat this.

Anyway, still fun even after all this time, but David Whyld was an extremely prolific author back then and many of his other games are better.

...and I'm not sure what the deal is with all the extremely confused people below, I'm just going to assume that Quest users in 2013 weren't very bright.

Review by Sayor
10 May 2013
third class

Review by Mvandervelden87
12 Feb 2013
I liked it, so far!

Review by alora
30 Jan 2013
i have some pictures, and a pole. plus im stuck. little help? besides the fact its hard, and the fact i cant open the cabinets, its pretty good. nice storyline, if i could figure it out it would be very good, but for now its a 3.

Review by Lucy3
21 Dec 2012
I am enjoying this game and know what I need to do or get but don't know how to get it... for example, I need to get the food from the ceiling, I have to stepladder to do so however it wont let me :/

Review by Jenders
23 Feb 2012
Good ideér but not good exicuted, Several bugs and alot of things did not work as they where meant.

Review by Andrew Trewin
02 Apr 2008
Still, it completely obliterates anything you could ever make. At least we can thank you for not being a complete immature idiot and writing things like:

This is the worst game I'v seen. A very bad game. I suggest to you people: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME. SAVE YOURSELF TIME. ITS BAD!!!!!

And giving it a one star rating like most of the other retards David has spoken with have.

As for the actual game, I pretty much agree with what everyone else here has said. Original, fun, not too easy yet not too hard, not too long yet not too short. All the good elements of a great Text Adventure game.


Review by Michael1
01 Apr 2008
The story is ok, but the game is to short.
the game is very simple, but over all It's
not bad for It's length, just an easy game.


Review by emojo
08 Jan 2008
this is a very annoying game.
i dont want to read the book.
i dont mind reading the blurb.
it does have a pretty interesting story.
i dont realy think it is worth playing.

Review by def
19 Jan 2006
i've played quite a few of these quest games,and this is one of the better ones. i liked the basic premise. i seemed to have got further than most of the previous reviewers but still cant get past bob! a little help would be much appreciated. anyway keep up the good work. bring on the next challenge.

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Written by
David Whyld

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Written for Quest 3.11
Published 07 Sep 2003

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