The story of a not so distant future where people can exchange lives with other people, don't be discouraged by my terrible English, play the whole thing, it's worth it!
Hope you all enjoy it!
The entire game was drawn in Microsoft paint, I meant it to be that way, I apologize for the crude drawings, and the terrible writing, English is not my first language.
Please contact me if you find any bugs, I spent 2 months making the game, 4 months debugging it (I've been really busy with my regular job) , but I still find the occasional bug, so if you do, please let me know!
1.1 update: I've got about 40-50 messages of people stuck on the memory exchange office, so I went ahead and added it to the game.
ps. Thank you for the nice review! There was sound at the interesting point of the game though :) you probably missed it.
Thank you all for playing, didn't expect these many people playing my first game!
1st bug spotted: Images weren't loading for some reason
- fixed
2nd bug spotted: When looking at the device on the first storage room would give an error that shouldn't be there - fixed
3rd set of bugs: few use issues, and the tube light bug - fixed