Equestria Divided Chapter 1: The Roar of the Forest by Robox225

Have now been fifteen years since the war began in Equestria. Pony, who before the war were friends, forced to become skin because now, the opposite of a deployment. Eight factions will jump to the throat, for those who demonstrate the strength of his belief, who for the complete conquest of Equestria, who for revenge and who, for his complete destruction. Who will win? This war will never end? These are the questions of a young soldier of the House Earthborn while look the horizon from the walls of a fortress, on the border of the Everfree Forest. He does not know that soon the fate fall upon him, putting his hands on the future of an entire nation.

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Review by British Brony
26 Jul 2016
A shame that the grammar isn't up to par, no disrespect but "An arrow crash into your partner." Is the style of typographical errors to which you can expect.
However, the actual concept of the game is gripping and addicting. It's frustrating, as the gameplay and game (story) is incredible.
The problem is the grammar.
With a small amount of editing, a proof read for example, you could make an amazing game here. At the moment, a potentionally dramatic moment can be spoiled by spelling. I'd recommend an update. Cheers.

Review by Crimson velvet
26 Jul 2016
This game is very good hard too I just wish I could play house stormwing

Review by DaNiX88
17 Feb 2015
The gameplay was very addicting, and the story had a great plot, but the spelling and grammar made the game really, really hard to play. The beginning was really hard to survive and seemed like you couldn't survive unless you had a specific skillset. I played until the end though and it was overall a very decent game.

I would rate this game 5/5 stars if the spelling/grammar was better ー this is a text-based game after all.

Review by Shade Shadow
07 Feb 2015
Grate story line

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Published 25 Dec 2014
Updated 01 May 2019





