Truth or Blasphemy (Choose Your Own Adventure) by Censing

Your brother, Gabriel, has dragged you out of the house to spend the night with his awful friends at an incredibly boring party. There will be Truth or Dare, ghost stories, alcohol, sweets, and maybe even a possessed doll.

Multiple pathways and ending. See below for spoilers.

*Spoilers* here are the initial pathways at the start of the story:

Worst sin- MARY’S PORTAL
Cats or dogs- TRUTH ROOM

Nicest thing- TRUTH ROOM

Snake bite- MARY’S PORTAL

Hearing aid- MARY’S PORTAL
Do you drink- GHOST STORIES

Good luck!
Review by Perianna
21 Jan 2017
First one I have tried and I loved it!


I got the Truth room. I love ???'s personality and the last paragraph X3 This was such a lovely ending =3

17 Jan 2017
A really interesting idea- a teenage party, which leads off into a number of completely different stories depending on which choices you make. Even in each story, there are lots of very different decisions you can make and directions the story can go in- seems like the author spent a lot of time on this!
It reminded me of the old anthology horrors, and children's spooky tv shows like Are you afraid of the dark?

Review by ChazCliffhanger
02 Dec 2016
It is a compelling story with very different paths you can take on each playthrough. My only complaint, is that I don't really know the characters, and that there is long pauses in between every choice. Other than that, it's great!

Review by felixp7
21 Nov 2016
Truth and Blasphemy is a surprisingly compelling Twine about some lame kids who gather for a sort of party, start talking religion, and quickly discover a dark secret about the big old house their host lives in. (After that I ran into a maze, became hopelessly lost and gave up.) The dialog-based format with long breaks between choices suggests it was written as a visual novel initially, and there's some weirdness in places that could just as easily signal implementation errors or subtleties I failed to pick up on. Possibly both -- it seems to be a fairly large game. All in all, an intriguing piece, and since the choices I made seemed to matter, that might just be reason to try again. Worth a play.

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