Sector Ajandfar by mr mc textadventure

In the top-right corner of the galaxy lies Sector Ajandfar, also known as Sector Ajand-Far or Sector A-10, a real-life dark web of smuggling, assassins and spies. You are General Nalcus, the leader of the new Ajandfarian Patrol fleet, made to act as a police for the sector.
Everything goes wrong when the fleet starships get lost in a web of stars, and end off trailing to Sector E-5, the core of the galaxy, leaving you to attempt escaping to the Orion Arm, and dealing with the crime hub that is Ajandfar. The game contains 17 ways to die and 4 endings.
(this is not related to Star Trek or Star Wars or any science fiction series)

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13 Sep 2021
it a fun 10 minuntes i got the best ending of course lots of fun not to hard

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