Memory Exchange Program by Novirtue

The story of a not so distant future where people can exchange lives with other people, don't be discouraged by my terrible English, play the whole thing, it's worth it!

Hope you all enjoy it!

The entire game was drawn in Microsoft paint, I meant it to be that way, I apologize for the crude drawings, and the terrible writing, English is not my first language.

Please contact me if you find any bugs, I spent 2 months making the game, 4 months debugging it (I've been really busy with my regular job) , but I still find the occasional bug, so if you do, please let me know!

1.1 update: I've got about 40-50 messages of people stuck on the memory exchange office, so I went ahead and added it to the game.

ps. Thank you for the nice review! There was sound at the interesting point of the game though :) you probably missed it.

Thank you all for playing, didn't expect these many people playing my first game!

1st bug spotted: Images weren't loading for some reason
- fixed
2nd bug spotted: When looking at the device on the first storage room would give an error that shouldn't be there - fixed
3rd set of bugs: few use issues, and the tube light bug - fixed

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Review by nammyal
11 Nov 2017
Creepy ending. Playing on my laptop whilst reading that it was sent by aliens to enslave me. It's right; we wouldn't fight. I have deducted a star because it wasn't clear what I should do with the message. I figured it out eventually, but would have been nice to have a little hint in the text.

Review by Renagrade
31 Dec 2014
This is the first game that isn't a CYOA that I spent more than half an hour on! Normally I never know what to do and I give up because I can't get the syntax right on anything.

Your game had a very logical sequence and it was a lot of fun! Great writing, concept, and pictures. Those are easily the best MS Paint pictures I have ever seen. Again, fantastic job!

I did get stuck eventually though (I'm a complete amateur :P). See my comment on where.

Review by thorax339
31 Dec 2014
Decided to check out this game because i was bored...
Was not disappointed. I liked the story and the simplicity of the game.
Had a few troubles with what to type at certain times, like when i had to type in cliche with the thing above the e.

All in all. nice simplistic game. 4/5.

Review by norwalis
25 Apr 2014
LOVE it I couldn't find the wallet though so you lose a star

Review by ThatYoungGenius
17 Apr 2014
It didn't save my progress the first time I played... I had barely done anything though. But when I got up to the part with the car, I couldn't put my glass of water in the engine.

Really enjoyed this.

The art is a bit... disappointing though.

Review by M4u
24 Mar 2014
I finished the game with one hint from the author.

I enjoyed the game very much and I hope to be fair in my review.

First, let's talk about the positive:

- A very interesting science fiction plot that reminds me a very good movie that I won't mention because of the spoiler. All I can say is that makes us wonder about our identity and what is reality. This a very known philosophical topic used in books and movies from authors like Philip K. Dick.
- The images are really good and make the story even more compelling. Very good use of the media. Sound would be nice too to complete the environment.
- Very well implemented. The author took care of all of the details. The story helps to support those elements not implemented and help us to understand the limitations of the world.
- Good puzzles. Along with the lovely landscape make me keep playing from begining to end.

Now, the improvement areas.

- The images are good but I feel they are too big for the screen. Maybe a little less, after all they are there to support the story, not to be the main attraction.
- There is a mix of hyperlinks and typing that it's not very well received outer by a wider public. It should be an option to play the entire game with hyperlinks or without it because the player has its preferences and he doen't like to change from one mode to another in the middle of the game.
- Personally I don't like the implementation of the verb "use" or "use with". I feel more elegant when there is a verb for each action.
- As someone said once, the right panel make feel the "things" double. At least the "Places and objects" should dissappeared. The other ones are ok.
- I get lost with some commands because I was typing with CAPS on. But this is maybe a Quest thing.
- I recommend to improve the directions because sometimes I got lost. For example saying "Go north to the house", etc.
- There are some answers not implemented like the button on the elevator. No answer received like "the door opens" and some inconsistency: the "ask about" exists for some people but not for the woman behind the door. Get in the car is not implemented, we just drive with the directions. I didn't understand why we go down from the parking lot.

Ok, that's all the time I have. Thank you for the game, well done! I hope to see more from the author!


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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Mar 2014
Updated 02 Apr 2014





