King's Quest V - The Text Adventure (FULL VERSION) by Steve Lingle

This is the full version of the text adaptation of the widely popular King's Quest V!
For those who played Part One, feel free to use the included saved file to start at the end of Part One and continue the adventure!
~Steve the Gaming Guy

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Review by Frodo
11 Jun 2018
Wow, fantastic version. ( :

I made a full review of it on my site:


Review by danamaeval
23 May 2016
I absolutely love King's Quest V. It's one of the first role playing games I've ever played and I was incredibly excited and surprised to find a text version of it. I wanted to love it, I swear I did. The biggest problem I'm having is that I can't get it to function properly. When I try to load a saved game (resume) it says it's loading and still restarts me at the very beginning. Also, when I attempt to speak to anyone in any shop the entire game freezes. Have no idea what's causing this, but it's very frustrating.

Review by Crispin
21 Feb 2014
Excellent adaptation! I really enjoyed playing this one and it is very close to the original game. Manannan never showed up though, and I finished with a score of 264/260.

Review by David Revelle
16 Dec 2007
Loved King's Quest, which I used to own, and I love this. Amazingly close. Bravo.

Review by JLady
27 Nov 2007
Wow, I loved playing the original game back in the day and this one reminds me how much fun I had playing KQ games. I really enjoyed the game although I had trouble with the desert - thanks for the hints!

I'm not really sure what the other guy is talking about but if your a KQ fan you'll love this game too.

Review by Michael the gamer
20 Nov 2007
What a piece of junk made by Steve Lingle
Make sure you read this!

Review #1 Review by Shanielle

3 Sep 2007

If you are a Kings Quest fan you will LOVE this game. I was completely amazed at how close to the story line it was. Incredible! It's really cool especially if you have already played KQV because now you get to imagine the screens and pretty much play from memory - it's a whole new challange. If you haven't played KQ I still think it's a worthwhile game because the storyline is so captivating. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did - I give it two thumbs way up :)

Rating: 5 stars


If your a Kings Quest fan buy don't you buy the game intsead of look at this junk

Review by Shanielle
03 Sep 2007
If you are a Kings Quest fan you will LOVE this game. I was completely amazed at how close to the story line it was. Incredible! It's really cool especially if you have already played KQV because now you get to imagine the screens and pretty much play from memory - it's a whole new challange. If you haven't played KQ I still think it's a worthwhile game because the storyline is so captivating. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did - I give it two thumbs way up :)

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Written by
Steve Lingle

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Written for Quest 4.0
Published 15 Feb 2007

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