Aunts and Butlers by robinjohnson

It's 1920, you're a minor aristocrat fallen on hard times, and your wretched Aunt Cedilla is on the warpath. A society farce in the style of P G Wodehouse, in which you face obstinate policemen, unfriendly poodles, austere aunts and mysterious butlers.

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Review by Savio
23 Mar 2021
Quality game. Funny and inventive throughout.

Loved the bell-answering butler, the dangerous north, the whole surreal "dressed to the nines" section. Great fun.

Review by Richard Headkid
30 Jun 2018
This is my least favorite out of this author's parser collection.

It's okay, but by no means his masterpiece.


Review by BeautyvsAshes
08 Oct 2017
As a lover of PG Wodehouses' characters of Jeeves and Wooster, I loved this. It was funny and clever. A great game to play through.

Review by LeisureSuit Larry
09 Jun 2017
LMAO from page one

Review by Gothly
30 Apr 2017
creative and funny

Review by snazzy ray
28 Feb 2017

Review by DavyB
04 Feb 2017
This game was written for IFComp 2006 ( It is loosely based on the PG Wodehouse Jeeves and Wooster characters, with the player in the role of Bertie Wooster, here called Ampersand. I particularly liked the butler stepping in from time to time to prevent catastrophic player mistakes or provide hints.

The game achieved a very respectable 16th place (of 43 entries) in IFComp 2006 but feels as if it has the potential to be much higher. One factor is that the game was rushed to meet the IFComp deadline (as mentioned in the hint system). This meant that it had an implementation issue when submitted ( Perhaps more importantly, however, is that the second half of the game doesn’t seem as strong as the first. It might have been more in keeping with the Wodehouse theme, for example, if the second half had been located in a country house (reached by train for a weekend visit), instead of a surreal, text-adventure oriented, underground world. Similarly, there is opportunity to integrate hints/help from the butler with the separate hint system provided. It would also be better to remove the one unwinnable position in the game (I fell into the trap! pick up all items when you first see them!!).

Overall, however, this is still an excellent game, with Robin’s usual high standard of writing, comic touch, and appropriately pitched puzzles. Another five stars!

Review by Jesse Richardson
17 Jan 2017
Excellent game!
Very enjoyable and gave great insight into the life of a 1920s butler.

Review by XanMag
04 May 2016
I love the writing - humorous and detailed (without being too much). Very enjoyable game to play. Well constructed with a good story! Give it a play!

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