The End Of All Things Good by ZombieSlayer

The Old Gods have been defeated by the New Gods. And the world as you know it is ending. You are just a peasant born at the end of time. Choose your path and choose it well. (This is part 1. There may be spelling mistakes, I apologise)

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Review by _xXMidnight
27 Jul 2021
At first, I wanted to just quit the game because it was slightly boring, and I couldn't seem to find how to not die. But this voice in my head kept nagging me, "I'm sure it's a good game!" So I kept playing.

Halfway through, I really like it now. The plot is quite distinct, with some information about the world here and there. Though I died a few times. Not poggers. But the plot. Poggers.

Now I've finished the whole thing and found the sloth.

I'm sad.

I'm waiting for the next one, and if it's already released, SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASE-
*ahem* pardon me.
Carry on with your coding adventures, this is amazing :D

frIck rEAdIng pOEtrY hAs mAdE mE slIghtlY mOrE pOEtIc-

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Feb 2016

