Broken Mirror: The Screaming Fountain (Demo) by Adam Ironside

You are sitting on a bench in an underground subway. Your name is Karl Nixon. You are an american tourist enjoying a vacation in Paris. A man walks by you with a suitcase. Suddenly two large gangsters grab the man, punch him several times and run off with the briefcase. Then there is a huge explosion. A train crashes at full speed into the wall. You fall from your chair and hit your head on the floor. All is black...

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26 Aug 2002
I liked your demo. Sure it was beatable in 5 minutes, but not bad at all. Some things that "annoyed" me were: a) The dialogues: The way they appear sucks! you could use menus. b) You could use "local description scripts" instead of "room descriptions" (If you use QDK you should know what I mean.) It is just a personal preference, since there is just your description shown and not the items in the room and the exits.
To get an idea, check the way "Lovesong"'s descriptions appear.
Even though I am a bitter young man, spitting poison by mentioning your flaws (just joking, I bet that's why you uploaded your game, to correct flaws of it's design), I encourage you to continue with your game. It sounds interesting AND as far as I can see has some story, rather some riddles put together. The way I like it!

DarkAng3l (Now in a TV show)

Review by Carlii Cortez
24 Aug 2002
As a game, The Screaming Fountain may have been quite successful, however it was a mistake to release this demo as it is beatable in under 5 minutes. Some nice ideas and I can see how on a broader level - on a FULL version game - this could have really worked. The author has laid some good groundwork for the game, now it is time to start improving it and best of all, expanding it. An adventure in a foreign city, such as Paris, would definetly be fun.

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Adam Ironside

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Written for Quest 3.1
Published 30 Jul 2002

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