The Last of us part 2 Hells abound by awesomeman12345

The second part of the prologue based on the hit video game The Last of Us .
All rights go to respected owners. This game is not endorsed or affiliated with Naughty Dog.
PS PART 2 Chapter 2 IS OUT!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!
This is v 1.0

Now v 2.0! Fixed bottle scence! Added choices on bottle scences!

Now v 3.0! Fixed some grammar and puncuation. Also fixed a couple third- person problems!


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Review by TheHatMan
25 Jun 2014
Very good game, I like the idea of it. You are playing as Joel, same set up, same idea. I'm not sure what went on in the first game or if he met Ellie yet or not but I still like it. I wasn't too sure about the fight scheme with the clickers at first, because I thought the game was built on one over the other. It appeared fairly well, because whether you go to the tent or the car you are given even more options. I tested this after I ran into a bug by going to the tent, where if you kick the clicker it doesn't allow you to retry. Instead I refreshed my page. After the clickers came and I ran into Bill, it was pretty funny because he attempts to kill you, asks for your help, and in exchange there is a resort about THREE-HUNDRED miles away. And if you deny his offer (which makes the most sense) he kills you.

Review by Magic Orange
09 Aug 2013
This one was very good. It was good length wise and the battle with the Clickers really made me try to think strategically. My only issues are punctuation and grammar errors, and if you chose the bottle during the Clicker fight which caused you to die was kind of dumb. Other than that though a fantastic game and I'm really looking forward to future games.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 08 Aug 2013
Updated 01 Jul 2014

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