No mans land by Father Thyme

Could YOU have dealt with the horrors of the 1914- 18 war and stayed sane, or even stayed alive. This is a story of a junior officer in the British army on the western front. I dedicate this game to all who fought. They are all gone now. I met one or two.

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Review by daeun
19 Feb 2024
Immersive story.

Review by Bravo
11 Jul 2021
Absolutely love this game! I hope there can be more alike, the options have significantly different consequences and I love that bit where you meet adolphus.

Review by Arstotzka1
06 Nov 2016
One of the greatest games I’ve ever played in my entire life!The decisions are so great and with very real consequences,like what Marzipan below me has stated.

Review by Marzipan
19 May 2015
An immersive story of a British soldier in the first World War. I don't usually care for the CYOAs on this site, but now I only wish more of them were like this. The choices you make feel real and have believable consequences, and there's a twist about halfway through that had me facepalming (in a good way!), that I don't even to spoil for others by even hinting at here.

Not quite a five unfortunately because there are lots of punctuation errors sprinkled throughout. And I feel like you did yourself a disservice with the blurb, it could have been a bit more descriptive to hook readers, and you shouldn't call it 'short' when it's the perfect length for the story and there are plenty of 'games' on this site that are over in two clicks.

Review by zap
06 Jan 2015
Great atmosphere and writing.

Review by Renagrade
30 Dec 2014
Stunning! I love this concept and you pulled it off excellently. I was really thinking about my decisions and how they would change the outcome of my character. It really sucked me in and I really felt the emotion of the game.

Excellent writing, concept, and game! I would have loved to see the game continue farther.

Oh, you might want to check your quotations, they were off a few times. Other than that, great game! :)

Review by GJ
23 Dec 2014
I just LOVE this game! The writing is very well done, also the story. It reminds me of "All quiet on the western front", I guess you were inspired by this book.

Even though you said, that you don't want the game to be to long, maybe you can make another part? This would be awesome. 5/5

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 17 Dec 2014
Updated 28 Jun 2022





