Dancing Storm by Craig Dutton

Daimyō Tsuyoi from the town of Hikari in the province of Heiwa has had his great sword, Dansu no Arashi (Dancing Storm) stolen. As one of Daimyō's servants, you feel responsible, as you were perhaps present nearby when it happened. You will travel Heiwa and beyond to retrieve the Daimyō's Katana and receive honour to you and your family.

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Review by Regisblackgaard
06 Dec 2016
another good game!

Review by derpykangaroo00
07 Jun 2015
I Cant get past the freaking forest because this is retarded and broken ... it looks fun but its just a flashy picture...

Review by DaNiX88
02 Apr 2015
A very intricate game that is very fun to play. The difficulty is a little bit high, but that's part of the fun. The ending is satisfying and there are only a few ways to die. All in all, the balance is great and the gameplay is smooth and intriguing. I highly recommend this game!

An improvement that could be made, which was pointed out in the comments, would be the continuity of some of the Japanese-esque names. Other than that, the game couldn't really be improved and is great the way it is.

Cheers to a job well-done!

Review by Buggynaut
06 Oct 2014
Fantastic. I looked up dancing storm on google translate and found those characters. A fantastic piece of work that thrilled me and it felt like I was in an actual Japanese legend.

Review by iceburner
19 Sep 2014
I can't believe there's only one review after more than 2000 plays. I was going to wait until I finished it but I've played enough to form an opinion.

I like the Japanese setting with the authentic (as far as I can tell!) Japanese names. The puzzles are challenging (I've needed hints) and unique.
The game world is well-laid out with location descriptions that give the player a good visual. The characters and locations are interesting and kept me wanting more.

This was my first text adventure I tried on this site and am very pleased. I look forward to checking out more by Craig Dutton.

Review by sarah4
12 Aug 2014
Hi Craig, thanks once again for all your help, I feel very silly about the solution to the problem of how to smuggle the stone out of the underworld as I had assumed that particular object was of no further use!

This was, unsurprisingly, another in your catalogue of amazing games. I loved the setting and landscape and appreciated the epic quality of the game. As always, I was deeply impressed by the range of challenging and often fiendishly tricky puzzles you manage to fit into a game and awed by your ability to cconsistently concoct new and interesting puzzles. There are numerous beautifully constructed puzzles in this game all of which feel organic to the game's mood and setting. The landscape of the game was also particularly interesting, diverse, well described and mapped out.

Thanks so much again for another enthralling adventure and I wait, as always, with baited breath for your next masterpiece!

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Written by
Craig Dutton

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 29 Jul 2014
Updated 01 Apr 2015





