The Farm House (On The Road Part 1) by Calmor

You've escaped the city with your sister and family friend after some kind of outbreak. You three are holed up in you're family's farm house with a couple you met on the road. The past week has been a nightmare, and you only hope that things will blow over soon.

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Review by MrPikmin16
05 Jul 2017
Such a shame most of these stories never end up finished when they have tons of potential. 5/5

Review by mentlegen
20 Feb 2017
Great cant wait for the next part

Review by MisterPibb316
24 May 2015
Quest has many zombie-themed survival horror games that are split into short chapters that end around the time you start feeling like you could get into the story. This is one of them.

Review by Scarlett Phantom
31 Mar 2015
I liked the characters. There wasn't a huge plot in this, but if you continue the series, you could definitely spin an awesome story. Please write the next one!

31 Dec 2014
This was great. I liked the characters alot, because the characters have personalities that you can figure out easily. One thing I really liked was the amount of choices you had to choice from, which showed how the story can change or the interaction between people can too. Please make more, because this seems like the the story can go in any direction. I like to help you come up with or write a story with you surrounding this series. Continue the great work!!! Thanks for Reading. Question are we a male or female character?

Review by Magic Orange
25 Jan 2014
Wow. That was a lot better than I had expected, especially because of many zombie games like this are sub-par. All of the characters were interesting and there's the potential for a very interesting story here. It was a little short, but I understand why as I've done the same thing for a game. But please continue this. It was a great, albeit short, game that is very, very promising. I, probably the rest of the players, and hopefully many future players greatly enjoyed this game. Keep up the good work.

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 20 Jan 2014
Updated 25 Jan 2014





