I.Q Incorporated

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Reviews by I.Q Incorporated

08 Jan 2015
Bruh. this was good. I liked the ending ~~Spoilers~~ how I survive and started a community and when I got my $5 dollars i got rick rolled lol. I also liked that I died of old age, like I was Rick Grimes and I started a community from The Walking Dead comics(Because Rick is/looks old). Please make a series out of this. Thanks for reading.

Review for Fatal Island Part 2
01 Jan 2015
I liked this. It had multiple choices(that were also fair) and made sense. It wasn't hard or easy, it was challenging. I hope you make more like this. I'm sure this could of had multiple endings as well. Thanks for Reading.

Review for Fatal Island Part 1
01 Jan 2015
I liked this. The choices made sense and fitted. The only problem was it was too short. I also like that you couldnt save everybody or maybe you can? Thanks for reading.

Review for "The Run" Season 2
31 Dec 2014
I think this this ok. The series seems only action base and no dialogue. I don't know how do I suppose to take it in? The bad grammar mess up the reading too. Another problem is this seems rush and looked over carefully.

Review for "The Run" Season 1
31 Dec 2014
I liked it but I had problems with it. 1. It was too short 2. It seemed unrealistic and goofy, because of the amount of weapons they had. 3. It seemed a bit cheesy, because they jump out like it was action movie and 4 the story was kinda fast. Thanks for Reading

31 Dec 2014
The story was ok. I liked how it told backstories on characters we don't see and some we see as zombies. There seems to be a point or a goal, us the character is trying to accomplish. I liked the amount if choices, but some were limited like the knife one, I felt cheated on that one. Other than that I liked it. Make more please and Thanks for Reading.

Same as the first one it was good, but it was way to short. Please it longer and more. Thanks for Reading.

I liked this. I like how you added some comedy in it too. I liked how the funny dialogue sounded like me. The choices also made sense and seem they could change the story. My only problem is you stole the beginning form The Walking Dead series by Amc and the comics. Please continue the adventure. Thanks for Reading

31 Dec 2014
This was good and gave me a good amount of choices. The only problem was it was short. Keep it up. Thanks for Reading.

31 Dec 2014
This was great. I liked the characters alot, because the characters have personalities that you can figure out easily. One thing I really liked was the amount of choices you had to choice from, which showed how the story can change or the interaction between people can too. Please make more, because this seems like the the story can go in any direction. I like to help you come up with or write a story with you surrounding this series. Continue the great work!!! Thanks for Reading. Question are we a male or female character?

31 Dec 2014
I'm clapping right now! That was a good explanation. My choice(s) seem to matter and I have no doubt that it impacted my future story. I liked the action the most and how ~~I had a choice to kill Damian~~ . The story has gotten good and I liked the end, when we found out ~~we were infected as well~~. Thank you for a great story. Thanks for Reading.

31 Dec 2014
I liked this better than I liked Chapter 1. Some of my questions were answer. The type of Zombies/Monsters were Runners I see. I liked the dialogue, maybe because more people were in it? The only thing I didn't like were the choices were limited and the choices you do make ultimately led nowhere. Other than that the story seems to be getting better. Thanks for Reading

31 Dec 2014
The Story is ok, but hard to follow. What I mean is 1. the character interaction between the main character and Alex. Like it hard to see what type of character we are, if we don't know "who" we are and if we had more insight on what type of person Alex is. 2. Another thing I kinda have a problem with is what type of zombies are they facing, because the Zombies/Monsters seem to be slow moving but in large groups or are they fast? Idk It'll be nice if you clear that up too. 3. My last problem is I don't what the story about? Like what is our main character goals? (other than to find food) . Other than I think you make this better. Of course I'm going to read 2 and 3. Thanks For Reading

R!P Kevin and Finn
Man that was a good Episode. I liked Josh as a villain, but his name didn't seem powerful lol. Joshua sounds more powerful(in my opinion). One thing I wish could happen was, if I had the choice to sacrifice myself to save my friend(s) like in Episode 1 with Kevin. I wish we could of saw more of the mall people, or possible to see his(Josh's) people try to hunt Us the character, Dawn, and Laura down for the murder of Josh. That be a great cause and effect. Thanks for the great long story. PS We should write an Episode together.
-I.Q Incorporated

Man, I love me story like this when you get choices. The characters in the story are good too. Kevin character reminds me of Pete from "The Walking Dead: Season Two Telltale Game, because the way Kevin talks. This is a great series and I can't wait for more.





