Klein Collins High School by Hugh Jass

Can you survive your first day at Klein Collins?

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Review by Midnight Wolf
01 Aug 2015
Sucked. I won the game by clicking "in" and "out" repeatedly. No real challenge.

Review by Sturchy101
16 Aug 2014
It was simple and not very creative, there were many spelling mistakes and it only really revolved around get out and in.This game had so much potential that was wasted and was very short,but the storyline did flow well and was entertaining in some manors with some humour.Although it could have been much better and detailed I am giving it 2 stars mainly for the storyline.

Review by RagarickGamemaster
27 Jul 2014
I really like the humor and the game and I don't see any flaws so 5 stars to make you do more stuff like this

Review by Kamaton999
28 Feb 2014
I was completely lost try to explain what you have to do in the classes please?

Review by Mischko
02 Feb 2014

This wasn't good at all. I like the tought behind it, but it's really "sloppy" made.

Review by Raven2
30 Dec 2013
You could have made it a little longer and add descriptions to some other stuff...

Review by Userone
30 Mar 2013
It was nice, but I wish it had move to it, like why cannot I use axe on tanners flash drive? Also why do I keep the axe from my dream anyway?

Review by Nick19
14 Mar 2013
I like this idea, but it's a little easy, short games are good if you can do them right. I loved the idea of the dream but not the whole 'adventure time' thing. It was okay though. The pictures where a bit unappealing because you did not stick to the same graphic style. Also that worksheet in the beginning is not only copyrighted but also extremely childish and does not relate to a high school at all.

Review by James Mussett
02 Mar 2013
This is possibly the worst text adventure I have ever played.

Review by Azura Davis
21 Nov 2012
A few things, one it's very short, but also it's very easy and linear. There are no challenges at any point. The descriptions are relatively bland, but there are pictures so that's okay.

Another thing that kind of irritates me but I don't know if others care about it: In some games you're told in the beginning who you are, but in games like this you're supposed to be yourself, since there is no character in it. I don't really like it when a game has me be myself in it, then about halfway through tell me I'm a guy. But that's just me. Two stars mostly because it actually works, unlike some games I've played on here.

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Hugh Jass

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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 12 Oct 2012
Updated 12 Oct 2012

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