Zamuri: Birth of a Warrior by BigALittleARon

You are Zamuri, a 14 year old boy and trainee in the art of swordplay. Your adopted father, an elderly gentleman old enough to be your grandfather, has been passing his wisdom down to you since childhood.
He is a kind man, but a strict disciplinarian. You spend several hours a day practicing, or performing tedious chores.
Still, life is calm and peaceful. Soon, however, this peace will be broken. Your life will change forever.
But for a moment, enjoy your life as it is.

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Review by Hoopy
25 Oct 2015
Why does it end so abruptly its good has amazing potential but when i show the man mercy its gives me no more choices if this is just a glitch please fix it.

Review by Runamoke
09 Aug 2015
VERY good story and one of the few non-typing games I've enjoyed. The only reason this isn't a five is because there were a couple times when the writing didn't flow smoothly. It was also very short but that's fine; this could definitely go somewhere.

Review by AtomicMountain
30 Oct 2014
Nice little RPG. The story is great unlike any other fantasy/RPG game I've read. I love the concept, it's just like one of those Steve Jackson games. Overall, it's just fantastic 5/5

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 29 Oct 2014
Updated 13 Jan 2016





