Julia by Chiasm Chicken

If only you'd hidden the cough syrup.

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Review by Heres a problem
17 Feb 2020
very little interaction and choices

Review by MiserablePenguin
18 Mar 2015
I think it's okay. Like others said, it has very little interaction and you don't get to choose anything. It's also a bit short. But it's still a good game.

Review by ToThisDay
22 Jan 2015
I seriously don't get all the hate it gets. 5/5!

Review by DuctapemyCupcake
28 Oct 2014
This was a very short, but strong 'story'. I loved it to say for short, unexpected things happened in a small amount of time. It took me a while to realize what it was about but once I did I couldn't stop reading.

Review by Kittycocoalove
27 Oct 2014
What a freakin twist. Granted, I couldn't do much at all- hut I don't get why this is poorly rated, it surely deserves at least three stars. Made me teary at first, "Ah, young love" and then... You know... cringe. Not spoiling, but if you're reading this anyone, give it a try!

Review by Yoloswaggins1408
19 Aug 2014
There wasn't much playing. I couldn't choose whether I wanted to die.

Review by Claire6129
28 May 2014
I don't want to read.
I want to play.

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Written by
Chiasm Chicken

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 27 May 2014
Updated 27 May 2014





