The Myothian Falcon by The Pixie

"That day, the 9th of June, 3145, started out like any other, perhaps a little hotter than usual. Then Maisy DeValle entered his office."

Vic Gantry, P.I., has a new client. She is wanted for the murder of her rich husband, Lawrence.

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Review by blackknight
07 Oct 2021
This sci-fi detective game is pretty good and starts out excellent until the end where there are a few bugs and a few "guess-the-verb"-situations.

Despite these few niggles, I am glad I played as it was pretty good overall.

Review by GameofChocolate
24 Jul 2017
Extremely good game. I didn't finish it, as I ran out of time (personally), but I think it was very challenging, fun, and well scripted. The only issue I had is trying to figure out what I could ask people. Perhaps leak something in the comments at some point for what each npc will discuss, to make it easier to interact with them. Otherwise it was exceptionally well done.

Review by MisterPibb316
09 May 2015
I thought I was going to finally award 5-stars to a non-gamebook game (so far, Victorian Detective 2 is the only game I've given a perfect score to.) I was quite thoroughly immersed for a couple hours, and even when the puzzles were difficult, I wasn't ready to cave in to the in-game walkthrough until toward the end, because I came to trust that logic would get me through... and it did, again, until toward the end.

Oh, boy... those words, 'toward the end.' Bugs, bugs, bugs... some of them are just logic errors (someone being there in the description when their object isn't actually there, for example), but some of them can prevent you from properly beating the game (fortunately, those bugs don't seem to rear their head until late in the game.) Regardless, the story here is among the best I've seen from the Quest engine (even if there isn't much of an ending other than a 'you win!'), and the gameplay and different locations are incorporated smoothly and largely without linearity.

I strongly recommend giving this game a play--and being cautious about when you save.

Review by Hoepsika
05 Oct 2014
Great. Good sense of atmosphere.

Review by EnigmaSilvae
14 Aug 2012
Having trouble finding Bram or Larry - can anyone help? I seem to have done everything else - got falcon, accessed data key, talked to everyone... I think I'm not using the correct command maybe?

@sykes you can ask Linda about data key but she doesn't hand it back (I don't know if there is a way to get it back). The falcon is with the person who undermined the Uralgans.

Review so far:
The writing and descriptions are lovely with very few mistakes. Intuitive investigation. Really exciting and great story! Few blips but overall very engaging!

Review by Misty
22 Jul 2012

Review by Livvy Rennie
22 Jul 2012
Finished it, amazing game!

Review by Patronaut
21 Jul 2012
Okay, i was able to get into Lawrence's computer, found the falcon and gave it to the appropriate people. Now I am trying to access the encrypted files and have no idea who to ask or what to ask. Help.

Review by sarah4
15 Jul 2012
Great game, a truly novel approach to the text adventure, I'd usually miss the puzzle-solving elements of the game but the questioning of suspects and travelling between stations more than made up for it and made for a great game. The gameplay, though unfamiliar, was fairly intuitive and the descriptions were very well written and the atmosphere and storyline were very compelling and well developped. I've read a lot of Chandler and Hammett and so am very familiar with the hard-boiled/noir crime genre and thought the futuristic take on the more familiar 1930s American settings of such narratives was a great innovative twist. Look forward to your future games.

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Written by
The Pixie

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Written for Quest 5.0
Published 14 Jul 2012

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