War of Hyrule Castle by Sam

You are Tidus, A man on a journey, a journey to kill Gannondorf. Your partner Link, The hero of time, stands beside you. This is a mix between The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy and Warcraft. You Journey along the mists of Kokiri Forest, The Forest and Water Temple, and The Hyrule Castle Gardens.

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Review by StoryBox
31 Jul 2015
War what it is good for

Apsolutly notin'

Review by Ian C. Britz
13 Oct 2013
This game is literally appalling. I don't know if the creator made a bunch of fake accounts to leave positive reviews, but I can't imagine anyone had any fun playing this game. The story-line is a weird mix between a generic fantasy world and the Legend of Zelda, except you don't play as Link. I thought mixing up Zelda's story-line with Orcs and Night-Elves was strange, but I guess that's an artistic decision. Everything else was entirely awful. Room descriptions were static, even when they made no sense after particular game events took place. Almost no object was interactive or necessary, and you had to call every object in the game by its in-game title. I tried "pick up sword" but only "pick up silver sword" was accessible. I guess it didn't matter anyway, because when I tried to fight with the sword, the game wouldn't let me. The grammar in the story was horrible, almost no choices were allowed to be made and overall this was just a waste of my time. You shouldn't publish a game just for the sake of publishing game. Put some effort into it first.

Review by GAMER!
19 Feb 2008
This game is great! The puzzles were good and I liked the story line. I wish the game could have been longer though. I can't wait for the sequal!

Review by nick
11 Jan 2006
the game would have been almost decent if you didnt infringe on several copyrights.
You brought violence into the not so violent world of hyrule.
you should try to make your own stories up I mean cmon there are millions of people trying to palm off these crappy zelda ff hacks and no one seems to care theyre completing ripping off someone's life's work. dont insult shigeru miyamoto or squaresoft anymore. please

Review by jordan2
22 Oct 2005
i got up the ladder and got everything but how do i get down the ladder to the dim room with the wolves and where do you buy the scale

Review by kimmai_nice
17 Aug 2005
i havn't tryed your game yet but i will and when i will,hope it will be good,i will wrigth back when i play i hope it will be good.

Review by krapman
04 Aug 2005
Nice way to be modest. And it's not like people are STILL being attracted to your game.
But when you vote for yourself, be sure not to make the next comment until much later on. :)
Your game is ok. It's not the "best game on quest"

Review by Gabriel1
03 Aug 2005
Great game! The best I have ever played on quest! But how do I beat the water temple! I have the key from the deep water and the bomb... :)

Review by warriorccc0
22 May 2005
you really need a extended version so its longer.

aint bad but mgiht be better then my series of zelda game coming soon!

Review by warriorccc0
21 May 2005
it good but you should have made it longer!

im making a 3 part zelda game called: the legend of zelda:war of choas. chapter1:the black knights.

chapter2:the war begins. chapter3:the destiny of link.

and maybe: legend of gannandorf:war of choas series!

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Written for Quest 3.5
Added 14 Feb 2004





