mysterious murders by Elliette Le humanity

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This game is includes the following characters

and Ellie
and most obvioaly you

Those characters are your friends that your relitivly close with and hangout with everyday

This game includes;

This is a brief overview of the game to see if you're interested in playing it all the way through

This game includes

Game type = mystery

This game is a bit short but the design is made to keep the player interested to continue playing

This games purpose is to..
This game is made for a grade 8 humanity project. This game is made to present a good understanding of sentence structure as well as fluent options and organizations.

Playing with mysterious murders is inspired by.
Harry Potter! The Chamber of Secrets
all credit for the book series to J.K Rowling. This has a similar storyline to Harry Potter the Chamber of Secrets. It is not the same storyline in any scenario! It is like a modernized version of Harry Potter!

Breif overveiw of the game itself

The game is in the player's perspective which is where you get to experience what it's like being in this other world that is like the world we live in but it's knockoff. You have a group of friends you like to spend time with, You have one parent And no siblings!

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Review by RapidRivers360
15 Mar 2024
This game has a lot of potential and so far it is really fun. There are a few formatting errors in the game and some pages that should have links don't. Overall it's good game with a fun plotline.

Review by The_Great_Unknown
15 Mar 2024
Playing with mysterious murders is an intriguing game. From being a normal teen to solving a murder this game is full of excitement. One thing that could have been better was making some paragraphs more clear and understandable, some paragraphs also had a lot of repetition like you text Ellie back that your going to be late but get there ASAP twice but this didn't really affect my gameplay. Overall I loved this game and would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves murder mysteries and would give this game a 4.7.

Review by Harperswannny
12 Mar 2024
This game is filled to the brim with intrigue and excitement. The story of friendship is beautiful, and I really love the use of a mobile device. Thank you so much for making such a good game. 

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Added 04 Mar 2024
Updated 21 Mar 2024





