Playing with mysterious murders is an intriguing game. From being a normal teen to solving a murder this game is full of excitement. One thing that could have been better was making some paragraphs more clear and understandable, some paragraphs also had a lot of repetition like you text Ellie back that your going to be late but get there ASAP twice but this didn't really affect my gameplay. Overall I loved this game and would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves murder mysteries and would give this game a 4.7.
The King Is Dead. Long Live The Queen is descriptive and rich with an intriguing story idea. As players, you will navigate the castle to prove the king is corrupt. Some parts were confusing but overall the paragraphs made sense and didn't have much word repetition. The story was understandable and really matched its description.
This game is packed with excitement from breaking into the castle to searching for the documents. Despite its unfinished state I really enjoyed this game. There were a few uncapitalized letters at the beginning of sentences, and some spelling errors like you tyou talk. but overall I would definitely recommend this game.