This is a story of Jonathan Wolfe, who has overslept and woken up after a literal outbreak has come out. Your job is to lead John to safety and peace, while trying to keep him alive from potential harm.
This game is finised!
Version 1.0 - 2017 November 25
Version Final - 2017 November 25
The next episode shall be released somewhere in the start of December and a link to it shall be posted here!
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Well, surprisingly good. Though there were mistakes in the grammar here and there, I don't mind. It's a pretty good game after all. I would give it a four because of the shortness of the game, but because of the date you've promised to release episode 2, I gave it a 5. This game isn't bad but it's pretty easy. A few tips for episode 2, make it LONGER. Make it HARDER. And some Audio wouldn't be a bad idea.
Overall, Amazing. Grammatical mistakes but totally readable. Short, but I don't mind. Would Play again in a heartbeat!!
Keep up the work,
Your friendly neighbourhood reviewer!
If it isn't too hard. Could you message me the link? Yes, I'm too lazy!