Sea shine-Journey of the Blue: Explore the depths of the ocean by SilverStone the dragon

You are a small jellyfish, named Blue, in a big ocean. Dangers lurk in every corner...And a terrifying MutaMara, much bigger than any creature in the ocean, is hiding, waiting for a chance to attack the wise old leader, Blue Whale. Amazingly, you have been named 'The Chosen One' and it is you who must stop the MutaMara's attack...But how can one tiny jellyfish stop the most dangerous and biggest creature ever...? (If you don't know the game Seashine, you should give it a go! It can be played on a phone/iPad) Explore the depths of the ocean and discover hidden secrets...THERE IS ONE WAY TO WIN! There's going to be another Seashine game soon... 😉

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14 May 2023
One of the best I played and great descriptions too. Though kept dying - super hard to win - but still a great game. (Kept getting eaten by fish)

Review by DragonMaster78
31 Jan 2021
Many typographical errors. No clear explanation of Blue's past.

Retyped and edited description. Hope this helps.
You are a small jellyfish, named Blue, in a big ocean. Dangers lurk in every corner...And a terrifying MutaMara, much bigger than any creature in the ocean, is hiding, waiting for a chance to attack the wise old leader, Blue Whale. Amazingly, you have been named 'The Chosen One' and it is you who must stop the MutaMara's attack...But how can one tiny jellyfish stop the most dangerous and biggest creature ever...? (If you don't know the game Seashine, you should give it a go! It can be played on a phone/iPad) Explore the depths of the ocean and discover hidden secrets...THERE IS ONE WAY TO WIN! There's going to be another Seashine game soon... 😉

Review by
25 Sep 2019
A M A Z I N G!!!
I haven't got to the end yet cuz i was stupid enough to die. But there great love the descriptions.

Maybe you should be a story writer
thumbs up keep going.👍

Review by lostspirit
25 Sep 2019
cool .-.

Review by Siena
20 Sep 2019
Fantastic game interesting and cool and haunting pics and a cool puzzle i like it 😃😃😃😃

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SilverStone the dragon

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 01 Oct 2019
Updated 05 Mar 2022





