"The Walking Dead" Episode 3: On The Road TEASER by SivD1

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A little teaser to get you guys in the know for Episode 3 of The Walking Dead. Stay tuned for more updates and news!

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Review by G-Guy12345
18 Jul 2016
That last teaser hyperlink sums up the entire thing. We have no idea if the protagonists have died or not (probabl not, in my opinion), we see the aftermath of killing Josh, and then we have this new antagonist and a mysterious character that we have no idea about. This'll be good.

Review by erenjaeger11645
06 Jul 2015
i loved the past 2 episodes i love it and i was wanting me in episode 3 and my name is matthew by the way and so i know i'm not going to be in episode 3 but if i was that would be epic so anyways i can't wait until episode 3 comes out i'm so excited and happy about this i like everything about this

Review by TheHatMan
27 Jan 2015
Amazing, I'm glad I came on at the right time. I'm really interested into seeing episode 3 comes out, with this teaser out I feel the goosebumps rising already.

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Added 27 Jan 2015
Updated 27 Jan 2015





