Mysts Demo by Mihalis "DarkAng3l" Georgostathis

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
A horror adventure game, set in ancient Greece. The mysterious and horryfying adventure of a young slave, who faces secrets not for the eyes of human to see.

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Review by Simon Birch
24 Oct 2012
Interesting, I can't give it a higher rating because it is such a short demo, also it needs proof reading. But I am intrigued.

Review by zanessa~
30 Aug 2007
well..i couldnt really get out of there,dont even know if its short,i barely stopped by the cage.then my eyes start to hurt cause the background is always black and the words r red.for me,itz jus t to hard to read.

13 Jun 2003
For a preview, this really catches your interest. The full version is something to look forward to and hopefully it will be as creepy and explorative as its demo.

Review by Ubernoober
02 Jun 2003
Great, creepy game, but too short.

Review by Jim Jones
02 Feb 2003
(note to alex: get rid of my other rating, not this one) I didn't really mean that about the game, I didn't even remember giving that rating. I like the game... the feelings bugged me but, eh... no matter...

Review by B.J. Best
13 Dec 2002
This game definitely holds promise, although right now it is rather short.

The best part about this game are its descriptions of rooms, objects, and actions. They are full, complete descriptions that help give the player a sense of time and place. They draw the player into the story and make it engaging. On the flip side, I notice several typos/misspellings along the way, and that really detracts from the immersion.

The plot is very simple at this point but it works. At least you know what you're supposed to be doing. Not much in the way of puzzles, either, but I am hoping that will be remedied in the expansion.

The moods (a.k.a. feelings) are annoying as objects in the inventory. I think a better implementation would be to have "mood" as a status variable, and in the status variable window it could say something like "You are currently #mood#." Then, instead of using the moods as objects, you just have to change the variable when the mood changes. Will your mood ever affect anything? If not, it might be more trouble than it's worth.

This game definitely has potential, and it will be nice to see a larger version. Right now it rates 3 stars (OK).

Review by Jim Jones1
10 Nov 2002
The game was fun for about two secconds, what the hells up with the feelings, and why is it so frigging short!?!?

Review by theoriginalkaching
28 Sep 2002
Top notch game; deserves a great position in the hall of games


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Mihalis "DarkAng3l" Georgostathis

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Written for Quest 3.1
Published 11 Sep 2002

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