An Extremley Stupid RPG: Glorious Edtion by Aech778010

##Entry March 2022:

Jesus Christ, I found all my old youtube channel and soundcloud and now this, its like looking at a yearbook but x10 more cringe

But man, if only I could be a kid again

Also pretty sure this website is dead now, or at least dying a lot, God bless

##Entry October 2020: Hey guys! So like.... I'm probably gonna let this game rest now.... ##

While this game is something I hold dear to my heart I have no time to waste on making little text adventure games anymore... so instead I HIGHLY suggest you check out my
ART on INSTAGRAM (if you have one of course) and don't expect anything to be added in the future....

This game for me is like a time capsule of my life, and therefore imma keep it up, there's no way imma gonna delete this unless like this site gets taken down (which I hope it doesn't lol)

Anyways yeah :) Thanks guys: Follow me on Instagram @somesortofweeb (thats my new user and I can't change it here so....) I hope y'all enjoy my art! And if you do see this message and visit my Instagram page please DM me so I can thank you! (plus I wanna hear your thoughts on my game too lol)

~ Toodles, SomeSortofWeeb

The game was first made in 2016, but has moved forward to now

Made by the same guy who made a somewhat spooky game involving haunted house, Aech778010 (a.k.a SomeSortofWeeb) decided to waste his time on a not-spooky RPG game instead.

If you like dank stuff, and rpgs, and juvenile humor, you should play this game
(Just read the reviews)

I would appreciate comments and stuff, critiques are fine too, don't feel afraid to be savage
Anyway, If you have ANY IDEAS then put them down too
(It's not like they can get any dummer than my ideas right?)

##UPDATE: July 19th, 2019##
I fixed some very small things for now...
I also fixed an unfair insta-death sequence in the game kindly suggested by @netfixandssap

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Review by Altcons
26 Sep 2024
Harnessing inner-dragonborn? Check
Machine gun? Check
Verbal harassment? Check

Review by AnonymousAndroid
24 Aug 2023
I haven't played very many text adventure games that have images, let alone sounds and music. Although this is a joke game, I love it a lot!

Review by SlapstickGames
04 Jun 2021
The title is honest, but this was fun

Review by Dynoslug
11 May 2021

Review by mick green
18 Aug 2019

Review by thehornedpine
04 Aug 2019
I love the style, the comedy, and how much detail and effort it must have taken to make something look like it was cheaply made.

Review by EarthAlien
11 Jun 2019
Loud = funny!!
But other than that, I like it/

Review by GrayKnoight
31 Mar 2019
very glitchy

Review by netflixandsapph
10 Nov 2018
the name is accurate but it was still pretty darn fun! i only played it once but i wish when you crossed the bridge and went right that you could at least try to save yourself from insta-death
overall a fun experience !!!

Review by RPMCDB
01 Oct 2018
Only played a bit but great - liked it a lot.

One fix - Theirs a fork in the road > There's / there is (sorry to be pedantic)

Keep it going...

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