Battle Camp by Nutjitzu

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
You live on a planet where monster attacks and abducted people is not uncommon. Only the school where other people learn to fight back, keeps the monsters at bay from taking over and entirely wiping out your kind. The only problem is, strange things happen at that school. Students vanish without the slightest trace or clue of where they've gone and it's up to you to find out where they've gone. Join the school, train with your team, solve the puzzle, and save your kind.

This is my FIRST game so before you read I want to let you know that there might be a few spelling mistakes here and there and it's unfinished.
This game is FANTASY. It is about anthropomorphic animals. Nobody is human.
Got any advice on how to make it better? Like it? Let me know in the comments box! (Nothing hurtful plz)

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18 Oct 2019
PLEASE FINISH! Overall good game, and I like the drawings! It's good you did them yourself

Review by Odie_da_Bossé
28 Feb 2016
Nice! I like it. If you drew the pictures yourself, then you're a good drawer. You've got potential! (p.s. if you want to review someone's game, make sure you say why rate it how you do)

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Added 15 Jan 2016





