Abandoned House by alexandrascoler

You are going into an abandoned house all alone. No one in the town has been in this house for as long as anyone can remember, and you're curious as to why. You are just hoping to make it out alive.

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Review by funkyspunk90
21 Sep 2016
This isn't really a finished story- Sometimes it seems like just an excuse to put together random internet pictures of things, that don't do anything, like a practice. A couple of objects have stories attached, but the whole game apart from them doesn't have a story.

Review by Ozzy S.T.
08 Apr 2016
This seems to be an unfinished work, and leaves one feeling there was a lack of commitment here. The plot seems rushed and made up without much thought put into it. There is no introduction about story elements and no character development at all. To illustrate the point, you start this "adventure" in the bathroom of the supposed haunted house. Just like that. No explanation about who our character is, nor how did we end up in the toilet of a random house.
I am thinking this was an experimental exercise in Quest, to see how the software works and plays, which is fair enough. I just wish this was referenced by the author, instead of presenting it as a finished and complete work.
Not recommended.

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Published 03 Mar 2016





