Catacombs by Eric Strong

The year is 52 a.d. in Rome. You have joined the Christian Church. One day Roman Soldiers come to your home and force you down to the catacombs below the city. You wander around in the catacombs until you are lost. Don't run out of energy or you will be in trouble!

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Review by Carlii Cortez1
01 Jul 2002
So what's the catchline for this game? "Don't venture too far or you might have a glich?"...hmmm probably. Have faith though, this religious piece of ASL might just be fun as you venture through the catacombs, with receeding energy, in search for a life beyond the rock. I expected the game would bring forth some ground-breaking ideals but the only languistic elements I could find was an inscription for Eric's webpage! (And how you're supposed to get out for the ground is anyone's guess)

Review by Tyrant
01 Jul 2002
This must've been one of those quick whip-ups in that it's not really an adventure at all. Simply find your way around the maze, solve a few puzzles, and you're pretty much done. It's okay, and I actually finished it (doesn't happen much when I play these games)!

Review by Bad Omen
01 Jul 2002
hmmm cristain church that long ago? i didnt play this game but im pretty sure christianity didnt start till like 200a.d. now im not positive of this but im pretty sure (heh not bad for a 14 year old drug addict with a 164 i.q) *pats himself on the back*

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