Threehole Hospital by Dr Coconut

Today is your first day working at Threehole Hospital. Can you complete your tasks and prove yourself a reasonably competent Doctor, Surgeon or Nurse?

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Review by Zesc
04 Sep 2019
Entertaining. Albeit the replayability not very long, yet amusing. The author certainly knew the english language, but should have run the game through a spellchecker to catch for typographic mistakes nonetheless.

Review by GrizzlyTBOPA
02 Sep 2019
A very funny story if I say so myself. Very entertaining, I couldn't help but actually let out some chuckles whilst playing. I do believe the aesthetic of the page could be better and that it sometimes freezes or takes a while to load your choice. Those are my only critiques, as for the overall elements, really funny! Specially since I'm in the world of medicine, it was heartwarming to view it in such a lighthearted manner!

Review by lemnlime
26 Aug 2019
LOL, really funny but it has lots of grammatical, spelling, etc errors. It also freezes all the time so I could never finish it

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Dr Coconut

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 16 Aug 2019
Updated 06 Sep 2019





