Encyclopedia of Elementals by Adam Holbrook

You can't sleep, and there's a special part of the castle you've always wanted to explore. Find the hidden secrets of the castle and embark on an adventure spanning two kingdoms, in which you will slay evil creatures, cast magical spells, help find love, and save the world.

Take note that this game has never seemed to work properly in the online player. Timers just break the game completely, it seems. For the best experience, and quite probably the only complete experience, please use the offline player.

Entered in the currently ongoing Spring Thing 2013 competition!

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Review by Yoloswaggins1408
02 Jan 2017
Dude, this thing is freaking awesome. Best text adventure I've played.

Review by De Philster
11 Aug 2016
This game has a great storyline, with some amusing moments. There are some interesting puzzles, and the game cleverly uses some real-time trials, like hiding from moving guards, or dodging acidic missiles. The ending was phenomenal. Play it. Right now.

Review by AgFusion
29 May 2015
Beautiful Game!

Review by goliat101
21 Aug 2013
where are your slippers? that's all I have to say

Review by tarichar
31 Jul 2013
Game was really fun and easy to use. There were some new things that made it more difficult but in a fun way. I was never stuck for long and the puzzles made sense. Its the best one I have played on this site. It seemed like a couple items I never used and I don't understand what your color did the the game but aside from that it was good.

Review by MrNinjaPineapple
19 Jun 2013
Haven't finished playing yet but its definitely the best text adventure game I've ever played! The puzzles are tricky but its so satisfying when you complete one that you soon forget about the 3 days you spent hunched over your computer screen in anguish. Would recommend this game to anybody interested in a well made adventure game with fantasy elements! Can't wait for the sequel!!


Review by sarah4
13 May 2013
Hi Adam, thanks very much for sending over the 5.3 version of EOE, it was very gratefully received, sorry I hadn't replied sooner but I have been away. I appreciate you going to the trouble of helping me to complete this excellent game.

I have now completed the game, the timers did not pose much of a problem for my screen-reader because I have the reading speed set so fast, but, as I have said previously, Sapi, Quest's in-built speech synthesiser, reads at what is, for me, a torturously slow pace and so makes timer-related puzzles very difficult so I'm sure I couldn't have finished this game in 5.4, especially given the high-paced magical siege with the necromancer towards the end of the game!

Anyway, I was very impressed by the game's scope and concept and enjoyed the sections in the castle at the beginning, the town and the druids' village which provided a much-needed respite between the more action-packed sequences of the game. I thought the battles, chases and puzzles were very well-executed and, given the size of the game and the amount of programming that must have gone into it, it is unsurprising that there are some bugs in some parts of the game. I will not go into these here because I believe you have addressed them in the updated version and so they are probably no longer an issue!

All-in-all, a very exciting and enjoyable text adventure with a great deal to recommend it, there are, perhaps, a couple of aspects which could have been handled better, it would have been good to have the opportunity to scribe spells more often, for example.

I very much look forward to your future games!

Thanks again for all your help.

Review by Candacis
24 Apr 2013
Despite some bugs, I had lots of fun with this game! I liked the story, the puzzles worked smoothly together, the fight system was new to me as were the sneaking around guards. I liked the mechanism. I wish I could've done a little more with the elementals, but maybe in a second game? ^^

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Written by
Adam Holbrook

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 27 Jan 2013
Updated 09 May 2013

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