Love Song by Mihalis "DarkAng3l" Georgostathis

Here you are lost in a forest. You dont know what is this place, but seems so beautiful. It's all so peaceful, that you feel very relaxed. The only sound is the birds singing and a distant sound from a waterfall. A little road leeds west, to a small lake and a path leads north to a chasm.

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Review by Stinky Feeler
09 Nov 2004
Nice of you to vote twice. DON'T LET ALEX KNOW YOU'RE DOING IT!


Review by Anonymous
05 Jan 2003
Okay... I do not think the game is fantastic but eh... I am feeling rather hyper today, so i couldn't stop hitting the down arrow. After 2 months of leaving this game to its self i found the answer to get ot of the forest! after you get the girl to the waterfall you must type strip at the waterfall... after that the game gets TONS easier and better explained

recomended by I (although that insults the game)

Jim Jones

Review by Jim Jones3
05 Jan 2003
I want the game to have a 3 at least!!! >.<

Review by Brad Westlake
01 Jul 2002
I hate to do this. But this game is one of the worst text adventures I have played. It plays like my first game! I hate having to guess the command, and sometimes, like in the walkthrough, the commands are spelled wrong, or are incorrect. I do not reccomend this at all.


Review by Carlii Cortez1
01 Jul 2002
There is simply NOTHING to do in this game. I reccomend Alex removes this from the database; its not worth the space it takes up!

Review by C-2
01 Jul 2002
Wha..? Oh! I was just taking a nap. Now... What game was I playing? Oh yes. That's right!

Don't get this game.

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Mihalis "DarkAng3l" Georgostathis

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Written for Quest 2.1
Added 08 Nov 2001





