Sir Loin 2: The Phantom Dennis by CJ592

This is the Sequel to Sir Loin and the Coming of Age.
After just being made a Knight of the Brown Table, disaster struck. Queen Winalot has been kidnapped and it is up to you to find her and solve the mystery of the Phantom Dennis.

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Review by Regisblackgaard
27 Oct 2016
no pictures...APPALING! check out LEgend of Ooga, my text adventure.

Review by Maxwell82
06 Dec 2015
Pretty fun game! I recommend it to people who like Text Adventures without good pictures. Maybe some work on pictures? There barley are any...

Review by danaburgerrr
10 Dec 2014
after playing the first game, I was greatly looking forward to the second. I found this game to be a bit more challenging, which was great, but some of the puzzles were logically too difficult for what I consider to be an average text adventure player like myself (example (SPOILER): the puzzle with the rat and Donna to get her to throw the flask, as well as how to assemble the cannon, WOW). I enjoyed the story this time around, and the length of the game too with the separate chapters, and how all the areas were connected in the various tasks. but that ending, oh that ending. seriously dude? I didn't do all that to get THAT ending. I hope Part 3 has a much more gratifying reward upon completion!

Review by marilyn
01 Jun 2011
I love these, but this one seems a lot harder. I want to solve it by myself but I may have to look through the walkthrough anyway.

Review by Helo6
17 Mar 2010
This game is awesome, it took me a while though. I was totaly not expecting it to be a test *****

Review by Blake1
24 Jan 2010
I really enjoyed the first game, but i am having so many problems with this one. I am stuck at the very beginning. I have read all walkthroughs i could find but noones having this problem. I need to search the urn to rind the ruby, but it wont let me search the urn. I cant find anything in the four rooms i have access to give me the "hint" to search the urn. Please help.

Review by minttruffle
08 Aug 2009
Excellent game. It was neither no long or too short.

Review by magix
04 Jan 2009
looking forward to playing 3rd one in a hour =]

Review by max
13 Nov 2008
Complicated and long. Some of the puzzle solutions were a bit too abstract... I would have liked a few more in games hints. But I really enjoy the humor of this series.

Review by Steve2
11 May 2008
That was a good game. Lots to do. Some of the descriptions were lame, but I liked the humour. And there are secret endings!

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Written for Quest 4.0
Published 02 Jun 2007

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