It by jaktube

"Hello! Welcome to our testing grounds! Today we will be testing something we like to call It. It was once a person like you, and he still is... sort of. Just remember that It will kill you if It finds you. So don't get found! Try to find your way out of here alive, and maybe we will reward you! Ha ha ha! Hope to speak to you soon!"

Welcome to It, an intense survival horror game. Attempt to escape a strange laboratory while being chased by It, a humanoid creature who wishes to kill you. Find food, run, hide and explore in It, my very first text adventure game.


The game will be updated periodically with new content. Please notify me if there are any bugs/errors/grammar problems and I will try to fix them immediately.

Update System:

0.01 Updates
Small updates that fix grammar, bugs, blank screens etc. Also, small changes to preexisting script.

0.10 Updates
Slightly larger updates that introduce new content and make medium sized changes to preexisting script and introduce new (though not game changing) scripts.

1.00 Updates
Massive updates that overhaul entire parts of the game and add tons of new content.

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Review by SollyStartles
01 Jul 2015
My first problem was the text, Maybe it should be an easier to read one?

When It attacked me, I had almost no seconds to react. Perhaps instead of timing it, have more commands such as run [direction], and hide in [object]?
And then when It comes into that room to attack, he would open a random object to look for you, but only one.

Review by crystalis
01 Jul 2015
well it didn't give much time to react when it came to seeing iT but it was suspenseful and fun you should raise the time cos it doesn't give much time to react but other than that fun and crazy

Review by NaniMH69
21 Feb 2015
Although I died it was fun and suspenseful. I loved it and will most likely play again. It was kinda.....weird though,but I Like weird.

Review by TheHatMan
01 Nov 2014
Great atompshere, I enjoyed my first time playing it. It was weird though, that some commands wouldn't work. Anyway, I like it. Hope you update more though, in the future.

Review by jaybo33
06 Oct 2014
Fun to play and not too long or tedious!

Review by MooCow
30 Sep 2014
That was a REALLY good game for your first! I love how the monster can appear in any room and rip you to pieces! Hurray! I made it to the outside of the building and I don't know how to use the car, though...

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 28 Sep 2014
Updated 20 Nov 2014

