A Story of Salvation by FieryJack

An abandoned island, a derelict theme park and the crumbling ruin of a mental asylum... you are an 'urban explorer' who likes nothing better than to investigate these sorts of places. Enjoy your visit to Salvation...

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Review by thecanvasrose
08 Jan 2019
The game is pretty and fun to explore, but it's one of the less intuitive and more frustrating games I've played. I think this one could use a 'hint' function, or a basic walkthrough for stuck players to look at online.

Review by GameofChocolate
10 May 2017
Too many blocked areas and I wasn't allowed to take anything. I felt very confined playing this game. I finally ran out of ideas.

Review by detector
19 Jan 2017
So far Im just a few min. in but the fell of the game is great. Sound and lay out awesome . I will review more latter thanks .

Review by Vvic
22 May 2016
Awesome game. But how did you put that music to it?


Review by funkyspunk90
29 Oct 2015
Thought the game was really enjoyable, and yes the level of detail put in (being able to examine so many things, look through windows, the couple of little snippets of info about the main character given) really adds massively to the immersion.
For me the ending felt a bit abrupt though (and quite similar to one quite famous movie!)- maybe it just seemed so sudden because of the number of blocked-off locations in the game described in detail that I'd assumed would be visited at some point (the lock to the amusement park seemed to hint that there was an object to open it, and the 'home' marked on the map etc). Personally I'm not a fan of multiple endings, but certainly expanding on the ending a bit would be cool.
Apart from working out which location I was supposed to be trying to break into at the start of the game out of all the locked ones, I didn't find any of the puzzles illogical or hard though. I loved the way you build up tension and atmosphere from the simplest things; and yes that midway palette shift works well :)

Thought the game was really enjoyable, and yes the level of detail put in (being able to examine so many things, look through windows, the couple of little snippets of info about the main character given) really adds massively to the immersion.
For me the ending felt a bit abrupt though (and quite similar to one quite famous movie!)- maybe it just seemed so sudden because of the number of blocked-off locations in the game described in detail that I'd assumed would be visited at some point (the lock to the amusement park seemed to hint that there was an object to open it, and the 'home' marked on the map etc). Personally I'm not a fan of multiple endings, but certainly expanding on the ending a bit would be cool.
Apart from working out which location I was supposed to be trying to break into at the start of the game out of all the locked ones, I didn't find any of the puzzles illogical or hard though. I loved the way you build up tension and atmosphere from the simplest things; and yes that midway palette shift works well :)


Review by stuartaspinall
26 Jul 2015
A delightful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Review by BootyMath
08 Jul 2015
Your use of sound effect and the inverted color later on really helped set the tone of the game. I love how much attention to detail you put in and the story line gave me goosebumps. You also perfectly balanced how much investigating you need to do to advance. Unlike most games where the answers are either handed to you or nearly impossible to find yours were hidden in plain sight.

Review by Snoogins
15 Jun 2015
Wonderfully written, really draws you in and builds suspense. Great for those who appreciate a degree of depth and intellect in their games. Reminiscent of the Silent Hill series. Has inspired me to attempt writing my own horror game :)

Review by stonemanpeter
31 Jan 2015

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 23 Jan 2015
Updated 25 Jan 2015





