Sir Loin 3: The Quest for the Holy Quail by CJ592

Sir Loin is back, and this time he is hunting for one of the rarest creatures in history- The Holy Quail.
Will he be able to uncover the mystery of the ghostly pirate, survive the killer Yeti and help a gnome in love find happiness?

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Review by Otakunami777
04 Jan 2021
Zork Knock off but not as fun

Review by ber89
10 Nov 2017
Very fun game. I relied a lot on the comments section but finished with happy ending and all trophies. Easily navigable map and fun puzzles. Very enjoyable.

Review by toto_titi
28 Jan 2016
Loved it. Nice humor throrough the game. This game never itself too seriously which I really enjoyed.

Review by danaburgerrr
17 Dec 2014
loved this one! out of the series I think this is the best one yet. again, I think some of the puzzles are a bit too tricky to work out for mediocre TA players like myself. without the comments I'd be nowhere, really. but the hints are a bit more helpful this time around (the tapestries in the Outer Sanctum, etc.) and I like the supernatural element to it, too, as far as Mad Jack goes. the size of the world is great. I like being able to picture the entire world in my mind without too much help from a map, and this world you created is just the right size to envision without getting lost or confused, with no extraneous rooms. I would just offer one suggestion for the future: some commands you've set up are a little far-fetched. it took me FOREVER to figure out how to get into the tent, even after I'd assembled the puppet. love the addition of hidden trophies for super-thorough searchers as well. I'm looking forward to the next game!

Review by miller1000
16 Apr 2014
Just kept wandering around unable to solve anything after a point. Kept getting messages that I can't do this or that; the game just ended up being a war of verbs with the computer.

Review by Liam315
22 Apr 2013
The puzzles in this game are quite enjoyable and interesting, plus there are usually multiple objectives you could be seeking at any one moment if one of them becomes frustrating. The two stars I've awarded reflect this alone because unfortunately the game has little else going for it.

The cons:
- The game is riddled with bugs, even simple things like not being able to pick up certain objects once you've dropped them, putting you in an unwinnable state. For me this was the final straw after trying my best to overlook the other shortcomings of the game.

- Synonyms for place and object names are almost nonexistent and having to exactly type things like "go to cottage (inside)" including the parentheses every time gets annoying since it should be unnecessary.

- The game doesn't recognise most verbs that should be quite simple, you can't put the milk bottle on the anvil, you have to "use milk on anvil." This is just one of countless examples I came across during the first half of the game.

- Implementation is very poor, the descriptions of each room and object are sparse enough as it is, yet there is no response programmed for almost everything you might try and do to the objects described. The author has thought through what the player needs to do and spent no time considering and programming for everything else the character might do.

- The lack of synonyms and bad implementation means that you can spend ages trying to do something that you know should work, only to find you could only use one badly phrased command to make that happen. I had more trouble figuring out the syntax the game wanted me to use than I did figuring out most of the puzzles.

- Story is almost nonexistent. This is a cheap shot to throw at a puzzle oriented game, but for a game that describes itself as comedy and fantasy, there was a distinct lack of either.

- Spelling mistakes and simple grammatical flaws are abundant, especially as you progress through. As they become more frequent it becomes harder and harder to forgive them.

Basically, I don't understand how this is in the top 10 games. It's rushed, amateurish, and deeply flawed to a degree that becomes unbearable when you consider that a couple of beta testers, or even just the author revising everything before releasing, would have caught the majority of the biggest bugs.

Review by CJ2
16 Jan 2013
Just finished, happy ending with four trophies... a little disappointed because I had the fifth trophy (Explorer) but accidentally shut down the game without saving. When I reloaded from an earlier save, I couldn't get it again, even though I had the koob dlo when I left the evarg.

In any case, CJ592, this is the best in the series so far and I enjoyed it immensely! Some of the puzzles I had to come here and get help on, but when I found the answer I pretty much always thought, "Of course! There was a hint about that!"

Well done!

Review by Gari Stones
26 Nov 2012
I'm stuck at what do do with the furnace i've added the water but cant seem to light it, and i can't put the milk in the bowl just says its a good idea but you don't want to carry a bowl full of milk
Could anyone help please?

Review by Eva Clark
25 May 2012
hi there! love the game! I need help though! I can't figure out how to make the cement mix. I put the bones and three buckets of sand in the grinder but nothing works. I even tried to put the sand in the dryer, but no luck there either. Could somebody please help me? And what's all this about trophies? I haven't found/gotten a trophy yet!

Review by Dale Brown
03 Mar 2012
Challenging and fun. Only got one bonus trophy, but it was my first time playing this type of game. Very addicting.

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Written for Quest 4.0
Published 26 Oct 2008

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