Zombie You by Alex Macedon

This fun text based game puts you in the shoes of patient zero of the zombie apocalypse, but beware, some humans may try to defy you, can you infect all of humanity? Filled with choices, gore and humor, this is a game for all ages. Update 1.5, new level added for angry manager path.

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Review by chris48
01 May 2013
This game sucks dick

Review by Jamie8
15 Dec 2012
I love this game! Thanks for making it

Review by khygann
11 Dec 2012
nice game! i can't stop playing it! but how do i get past the angry manager?

Review by Adam Holbrook
03 Dec 2012
Short, but funny. The game has a great humorous twist that kept me playing even after I realized that the only strategy would be trial and error. I would like it more if it were longer, and if perhaps there was a little more strategy to it, say that you knew you would be healed every time you bit a person, so you could strategically bite people to keep yourself "healthy."
All in all I really liked it for what it was. Also, is there any way to get around that deer? Is that a later versions thing?

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Written by
Alex Macedon

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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 02 Dec 2012
Updated 05 Dec 2012

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