Sucks2Suck by WayTooCasualGamer

Sucks2suck is a third person FPS similar to Minecraft, but not at all the same.

Imagine call of duty, World of Warcraft, League of legends, and Roblox mixed together.
This game is the opposite of that.

As annoyingly hard this stupid game is, I promise you it is possible to win. But why would you win? Is it really worth it?

Only one way to find out.
(play the game)

Remember to leave a rating!
*unless it's not 5 stars, then fuck off

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Review by Zenrayla
27 Mar 2020
I am still confused by the whole thing, but I wish it to be known now that... I just learned this. Is a puzzle... Yeah, had no idea what I walked into. I think I am braindead...

14 Feb 2017
I really enjoyed the game, I thought it was really funny and enjoyable. Can't wait for the sequel!!!!

Review by Jesse Richardson
14 Feb 2017
Another extremely linear, one-ended, "you make the right choice or you die,boi" game.
Another contentless game with nearly no descriptions of anything, and only very stupid roasts by "WayTooCasualGamer," a girl who posts NSFW pictures of herself on the internet and gets angry with (quoteunquote) bad feedback. In other words, an "unless its not 5 stars, then fuck off" attitude.
Another game that makes totally no sense at all.
Well, gentlemen. It looks like you shall have to play the game to see for yourself.
Just kidding. Would not play again.

Review by Brrad
14 Feb 2017
I found the meaning of life

Review by LemonGrabJuice
14 Feb 2017
"She thinks you're a fucking degenerate."

Hey, having 666 pierced onto my forehead is completely normal, you fucking dirtbag.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 14 Feb 2017





