Monsters: Apocalypse Chapter 3 by Magic Orange

Chapter 3 picks up inside the settlement you were taken to in the previous chapter. Inside, you learn a shocking truth about yourself, and a terrible event changes everything.

This part took a long time, as it was meant to be have explanations for a lot of things, and set up for the next chapter, which probably will be the last one. It took me a couple tries to get it how I wanted, so that's why it took so long. It's also more linear than other chapters due to it being for explanations. Hopefully you will still like it though. Please leave your thoughts in a comment or review, and thanks for playing!

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Review by HakuMasarugi
31 Mar 2015
I kind of feel like at the end there was no way to stop yourself from becoming infected, though I'm too lazy to test that theory. I really like what you're doing with the series and I'd also like to play/read the other version of this chapter if you still have it and want to release it. I'm not sure if there's another part yet but I'm definitely going to look.

31 Dec 2014
I'm clapping right now! That was a good explanation. My choice(s) seem to matter and I have no doubt that it impacted my future story. I liked the action the most and how ~~I had a choice to kill Damian~~ . The story has gotten good and I liked the end, when we found out ~~we were infected as well~~. Thank you for a great story. Thanks for Reading.

Review by ebrooks5624
02 Dec 2014
Just like my comment, my review will be similar. If you haven't read it yet, then here it is:
You've done a nice job. I hope the next one comes out soon! The story is similar to AMC's The Walking Dead in a couple of ways such as both characters not remembering anything XD. Of course as you can tell I'm a big fan of the show and seeing something that's similar to it kinda puts me on the judgey state. As for the dialogue, I'd have to say Alex's gritty attitude is kind of amusing to watch. Suspense? Well who could make a horror story without it?! I'd give it and the dialogue 4 stars. I'd give 5 stars for how the story built up. Towards the expansion path, I'll also give it 5 stars. Lastly is my desire for more. Well that would have to be 4 stars.
My Final Verdict
I give this story 4 out of 5 stars.

Review by awesomeman12345
23 Nov 2014
This has got to be the best so far. I have known this series for a very long time and I would like to say: Dayum this is good. This to be honest reminds me of the walking dead. (Which is great since I'm a great fan) I love the gritty scenes the smart dialogue and the characters it's self. Overall this a great game and I would recommend it to anyone who loves apocalypse and the walking dead
10/10 With an Awesomeman seal of approval!

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Magic Orange

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 30 Oct 2014
Updated 28 Nov 2014





