Esther Harris was found murdered in her bed this morning. The grieving family called the police, who noted that there was no sign of forced entry. They called you, a renowned homicide detective. You have just arrived at her family's farm.
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Good job! No spelling or grammar mistakes, effective storyline. Simple, straightforward and quick to play. It could be expanded a little more.
You could make the descriptions a little more detailed, have more things to do with all those random items to make it a more complex and longer game, and develop Bobby's side-story, but it was well done. Talking to the corpse made me laugh.
One thing I noticed was in your description of the entryway: "You can see the staircase, the main bedroom where Mrs. Harris was murdered, and the living room. a Staircase."
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Written by HidingFelix
Plays 4932
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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 14 Dec 2013
Updated 02 Jan 2014
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