The Adventures of Batman: The Penguin's Plunder by CountCadbury

BE THE BATMAN (sort of) in this remastered revival of my original Batman game, the Joker's Ransom! Aided by his loyal allies, Alfred and (to an extent) Robin, BATMAN embarks on a longer and even more dangerous mission than before, determined to use every Bat-Skill, Bat-Gadget, and Bat-Brain Cell required to stop the evil machinations of the grotesque and greedy PENGUIN. Only you, brave player, can help Batman stop The Penguin's reign of terror!

(Special thanks to everyone who played the first game. More is yet to come!)

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Review by snazzy ray
03 Feb 2017
Great game.

Review by MikeBoss3
03 Feb 2017
Really funny! deff has some really funny lines in there. Worth a playthrough FOR SURE

Review by DarkKnight66
01 Feb 2017
Another absolutely splendid game! I literally gasped when I saw you were back with another game, and another Batman one at that! This installment was leagues above the first one, I cannot believe how amazing this was, mate. Seriously. Do continue to make more, you deserve loads of recognition for these. They are truly works of hilarious and immersive art. The Bat-venture contained here was filled to the brim with heart, character, and epic lines. This is all coming from a die hard fan of the property.

Perfect job, my good sir. Another round, please? My complements to the chef!

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Published 30 Jan 2017





