** This game was designed by Dani Siller and presented by both Dani Siller and Bill Sunderland in their show, "Escape this Podcast". It has been adapted for interactive fiction game form by James Spaid, with support from DavyB, and published with permission. It is a representation of the adventure played by Tess Hutley and Jess McKenzie in "Escape this Podcast" Episode 9 -http://www.escapethispodcast.com/e/episode-9-the-importance-of-being-escapists-ft-tess-n-jess/ If you do not want that episode spoiled for you, please listen to Tess and Jess solve the game first, and then try it here for yourself! **
As one of the cleverest minds in 19th century England, Mrs. Flavisham has hired you to ensure that her important documents cannot be found in her stately home. Unknown to her, you were also hired by another party to retrieve these documents, which are actually blackmail materials against another proper family. It is now up to you to decide what to do with the many secrets you will find within the 19th Century Sitting Room!
"Anomalies Abound" (Intro and Outro Music)
by Eric Matyas
Various Sound Effects from
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Written by James Spaid
Plays 1702
Downloads 1272 Download file
Written for Quest 5.8
Published 02 Jan 2019
Updated 16 Dec 2019