Any Which Way But Dead! by SMWhite

You wake up in the midst of a zombie outbreak. Every choice you make leads either to death or survival. How would you fare when the apocalypse starts!

This is my first attempt at a choose your own adventure book. It’s only a small book with 11 ways to live and 10 ways to die but from this, I will be expanding to more pages with more story arcs, instead of just the choice of living or dying. Please post your comments, whether good or bad, as any constructive criticism is helpful.

*Tips – Think through each choice. It’s set in the U.S if that helps with a particular choice and if you get to the end, try not passing out :)

Enjoy and good luck!

*update 18.09.14*

(in the style of Dr. Nick) Hi Everybody!!!
(In the style of Professor Farnsworth) Good news!!!
My good friend Carrie has started illustrating for the book and as you can see from the couple she's done, they're fantastic. More pictures to come and also more to come from Robert and Alice's zombirific adventures so don't be a stranger yeah!!

*update 23.05.2015*

Ok, firstly hi all, how we doing? good! Glad to hear. Thank you for your comments and reviews, the good ones mean alot and if it's bad with a complaint that I can look at, thank you also but it seems i'm getting a few one stars with the problem being too long or that's its not a game or some other ridiculous reason. So to address these people, which I think are trolling to be fair to boost their own books, I say this:

1) this isn't a game. .this is an adventure book with multiple choices. You don't want that.....don't read it !
2) The chapters are long because I want you to immerse yourself in what's going on not just 3 lines and then a choice
3) There is a good reason for each choice, it's not random. This is explained whichever choice you make
4) This is my first book so bare with me while I iron out the creases
Review by DarknessPast
20 Jan 2016
This fucking sucks. Not only does it intentionally force you through a linear path, (it fucking kills you when you don't do something plot-convenient, seriously there's a dumbass death scene at evey turn), but it also defies ALL logic. A zombie attacked me, and to defend myself I could only choose a butcher knife, or a frying pan. Now what would YOU fucking choose? I mean seriously. So I go for the knife, and I FUCKING DIE. Really. I go back, choose the frying pan, the NONSENSICAL option, and fucking kill the damn thing, and live. Are you fucking kidding? Now trust me, this isn't the the ONLY dumbfucking shit you'll encounter, but here's just one more example for good measure. You make it out of your house, blah blah blah, and you come across a little girl. She's getting attacked or some shit, so you help her, and you can either leave her, or "convince" her to come with you. Like I want to fucking do that! It's the god damn apocalypse! Who gives a shit about some random-ass child?!? I leave her, but NO. Just by LEAVING her, I get fucking killed! See? This is bullshit, and it just plain sucks. A linear piece of fucking frogshit. Go fuck yourself.

Review by spanloo
14 Sep 2015
For a first attempt this is awesome!

I loved the witty style of writing and zombie fan in-jokes.
I wanted it to go on and to read more about Alice and Robert so thats a win in my book. Would read more from this writer anytime.

Review by Mango art
26 Aug 2015
I love it. It has really good description, but I dislike the fact that everyone's giving you grief because it was actually a story and not one of those quick fix too much action stories. I love it.

Review by MisterPibb316
22 May 2015
How this game works: a) massive wall of text, crammed together in a narrow column, b) quick trial and error decision here, c) repeat process. I also found the jokes stale, to the point that I almost cringed. I promise I'm not trying to bring anybody down, and I'm glad some people have found enjoyment in this game, but I'm not one of them.

Review by mary shelly
10 May 2015
Yes yes YES. LOVED IT!!!!!! It was like I was actually in the story. Still died loads of times though but it's a learning curve. I think I can survive an apocalypse now. I WANT MORE!!!!!! XOXO

Review by xanderxxx
10 May 2015
Engaging and fun to read. Really enjoyed the book and hope that more come soon. The writer really makes you feel like you're there and the choices are difficult but understandable. Clearly there are like minded people enjoying these kind of books but unfortunately trolls as well like 'xyab' and 'mauricio' going round ruining ratings for their own agenda which makes me sad :( please make up your own mind and ignore stupid nonsensical reviews and comments. X out!

Review by -XYAB-
13 Mar 2015
;( This game sucks very badly

10 Mar 2015
A very good story but more options are needed. This game relies on logic, which is very nice, there are many details and very fun and interesting to read. I don't care if it's long, it's good, so I'll read it.

v Seriously?

03 Mar 2015
I never understood this kind of bloody topics with long writing and few options.

Review by WhamBamSam
02 Mar 2015
Great story!
The unpredictability itself was enough to keep me glued page after page. Add in the dark humor, twisted anecdotes for death and sheer impractical nature of correct choices and you have a gripping tale that you can completely immerse yourself into. Also would like to add that the writing itself and use of specific optimistic terminology was great, for e.g "and put the now half full bottle of water in it ( your pack)". Considering the circumstances, optimism would be your greatest ally, so very well thought out choice of wording.

Thoroughly enjoyed and keep them coming

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Published 02 May 2014
Updated 23 May 2015





