
This user has not published any games publicly yet.

Reviews by DarknessPast

01 May 2016
I don't care what kind of radical views are presented here, because I got to save an extremely hot girl, slaughter retarded, mindless infidels, beat the living shit out of a stereotypical white trash Jersey douche and spray his girlfriend, kill even more mindless fucks, and live to tell about it all without just a scratch and that beautiful piece of flesh I mentioned previously. All in all, a fucking amazing game with perfect action, a perfect plot, and a perfect ending. I want to present thank the author for creating such an awesome, satisfying game, for I perceive many replays to come in my future. Thanks again, cool sir. Cheers.

Review for Living with friends
20 Jan 2016

Review for Mysterious House
20 Jan 2016
Yep, fucking sucks. NEXT.

20 Jan 2016
Fucking sucks. And it's retarded. Wow. Good job. NEXT.

Review for ELSE SCHOOL
20 Jan 2016
Fucking sucks. NEXT.

20 Jan 2016
Are you fucking serious? One star. NEXT.

20 Jan 2016
This fucking sucks. Not only does it intentionally force you through a linear path, (it fucking kills you when you don't do something plot-convenient, seriously there's a dumbass death scene at evey turn), but it also defies ALL logic. A zombie attacked me, and to defend myself I could only choose a butcher knife, or a frying pan. Now what would YOU fucking choose? I mean seriously. So I go for the knife, and I FUCKING DIE. Really. I go back, choose the frying pan, the NONSENSICAL option, and fucking kill the damn thing, and live. Are you fucking kidding? Now trust me, this isn't the the ONLY dumbfucking shit you'll encounter, but here's just one more example for good measure. You make it out of your house, blah blah blah, and you come across a little girl. She's getting attacked or some shit, so you help her, and you can either leave her, or "convince" her to come with you. Like I want to fucking do that! It's the god damn apocalypse! Who gives a shit about some random-ass child?!? I leave her, but NO. Just by LEAVING her, I get fucking killed! See? This is bullshit, and it just plain sucks. A linear piece of fucking frogshit. Go fuck yourself.

07 Nov 2015
This game is so freaking awesome. Just plain cool. Props to this author. Amazing work, dude. USA!!!!!!

Review for Camp Stabbiwaka
06 Nov 2015
Even better than Zombolocaust! The characters are awesome, and the choices are perfect, too. I got to do exactly what I wanted to. AMAZING game, and it all ties together nicely. Absolutely fantastic!

Review for Zombolocaust
06 Nov 2015
My favorite game. Part 2 please!!!!





